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WonOnWonPremium International Rugby Match Ball


Retail: R430

Handcrafted by the finest rugby engineers, incorporating Super Flight In-seam Valve technology, Aeroseana Grip with an optimal ball weight of 460 grams, provides a ball so sweet, so pure that even after the biggest battles, you’ll still look back thinking, That is a great ball!

Product Features
  • Neotech Rubber Surface for Consistent performance
  • Aeroseana Grip for accurate flight rubber surface
  • Laminated with 3 layers of core-spun cotton-polyester giving the optimal balance and double strength makeup
  • Engineered aerodynamics with maximum sweet spots
  • High tech super flight inseam counter balanced latex bladder
  • 100% Hand stitched
Product Specifications
  • Weight: 410 Grams
  • Size: 5
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Do you really need to know what type of shark you are? Really?

And, judgement aside, do you genuinely care if BuzzFeed can guess which show you're binging based on your choice of socks?

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